Saturday, May 15, 2010

She's a Rainbow

“The Calla Lily looks like a flower designed by Tiffany-

Like a piece of handmade vellum cut and rolled by a sculptor.”

Katherine Whiteside from her book “Classic Bulbs”

Wretched is the appointed name of the Calla Lily: While Linnaeus gave the nomenclature "Calla" to these flowers, they were quickly moved out of this category and classed as Richardia, which name they endured until the sunset of the 19th century and finally ended up being called Zantedeschia.

The new colored callas are delightful, stunning in color and vigorous in habit, and are largely derived from hybridization of the Zantedeschia species of Z. Rehmannii and Z. Elliotana. Too much tongue twisting trivia! And way too much Latin! Calla Lily is simply so much easier to say and so much more apropos.

Mayesh Wholesale features the entire spectrum of colored callas from Black - "Schwarzwalder"; "Hot Chocolate" - to White -  such as "Crystal White"; "Crystal Blush"
...and every imaginable color of the rainbow (except blue!!) in between! We feature new hybrids as they are introduced as we have relations with top breeding programs in Ecuador, New Zealand and California.

Please ask your sales associate or go to our on-line shopping site, here.

Varieties depending on availability, supply and demand.

Zantedsechia hybrids featurd here (from top to bottom):
"Red Pulse"
"Pink Panther"
"Passion Fruit"

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